We were founded in 2001, to stop the endless cycle of accidental and unwanted births of cats and dogs which resulted in the euthanasia of homeless cats and dogs in Greater Cincinnati shelters. At that time, over 70,000 puppies and kittens were being born each day in the U.S., compared to 10,000 humans, and over half of those born were accidental, unwanted litters. As a result, millions of cats and dogs entered U.S. shelters each year and millions of them were being euthanized due to lack of space and resources at those shelters.
As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, thanks to generous donors and grants, we are able to save lives of cats and dogs in our community every day by:
- Combating pet overpopulation through low-cost (free to those who cannot afford anything) spay/neuter surgery, preventing unwanted litters of puppies and kittens and enabling pets to live longer, healthier lives because surgery eliminates or substantially reduces the risk of certain fatal infections and types of cancer.
- Humanely stopping the exponential growth of the community cat population by trapping, sterilizing and vaccinating community cats.
- Preventing costly illnesses that force owners to surrender their beloved pets to shelters by offering low-cost or free core vaccines.
- Ensuring pets get back to their owners if lost, rather than entering a shelter, by offering low-cost microchips with lifetime registrations.
- Collaborating with our community partners to enable pet owners to keep their beloved pets, particularly during times of temporary crisis.
Spay/Neuter Services
On April 16, 2007, we opened our high-volume, low-cost spay/neuter clinic in a leased facility in the Queensgate area of Cincinnati. Our clinic is based upon the ASPCA Spay/Neuter Alliance low-cost, high volume spay/neuter clinic model which has been implemented successfully in hundreds of other communities across the United States. That model addresses the two main reasons people do not sterilize their pets: cost and lack of access to spay/neuter services. We eliminate both of those impediments by offering professional, low-cost spay/neuter surgeries, free to those who cannot afford to pay anything through generous grants and donations.
We focus our efforts on community cats, local county shelters where euthanasia is a risk, private rescues pulling cats and dogs from those county shelters, and families living in poverty in our community.
Our service area is Greater Cincinnati, which is comprised of 15 counties in Southwest OH, Northern KY and Southeast IN (Boone, Bracken, Brown, Butler, Campbell, Clermont, Dearborn, Franklin, Gallatin, Grant, Hamilton, Kenton, Ohio, Pendleton, Warren) and contains a population of nearly 2.3 million, making Greater Cincinnati the largest metro area in the State of Ohio.
In 2014, thanks to a generous capital grant from The Joanie Bernard Foundation, we purchased our own building and opened our state-of-the-art clinic at 2830 Colerain Avenue in the Camp Washington area of Cincinnati.
As a result of the hundreds of thousands of spay/neuter surgeries performed by us, the number of animals entering Greater Cincinnati shelters each year has decreased, as has the resulting euthanasia of those homeless cats and dogs. While that is tremendous progress, there are still too many homeless pets entering shelters and community cats reproducing unchecked in our community, so we still have more work to do!
Wellness Services
Another reason pets are surrendered to shelters is preventable costly illnesses that owners cannot afford to treat. To address that issue, in 2015, we began offering vaccine clinics on Fridays where low-income pet owners could obtain low-cost core vaccines for their pets to prevent preventable, costly illnesses. They can also obtain microchips with lifetime registrations at a very low cost so if their pet is ever lost, it can be returned to them rather than entering the shelter system.
Community Partnerships
Since the place pets are at risk of euthanasia are local county shelters, we partner with many of the county shelters in our service area, and the private rescues pulling from them, to provide low-cost spay/neuter services.
We also partner with local social service agencies like Found House Interfaith Hospitality Network and The ION Center for Violence Prevention to help their clients with their pets so the clients are not forced to surrender their beloved pets during times of temporary crisis such as homelessness or domestic abuse. We provide the pets with free spay/neuter surgery and core vaccines so the pets can stay with their owners at temporary shelters and meet landlord requirements when the owners to find affordable, pet-friendly housing.